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Module 7 

Section 1


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Scenario One

You are in an afterschool club with twenty reception children. A child leaves the area without telling you where they are going.​ What do you do?

Scenario two

During an after school club, with KS2 children, a child falls over and may have broken their arm.​ What do you do?

Scenario three

During your session a child is continually talking over you and not listening to instructions.​

You have already told the child to be quiet and listen but the child is continuing to chat.​ What do you do?

Scenario Two
Scenario Three

Scenario Four

A parent is late to pick up their child from an after school club. There are no other members of staff left at the school.​ What do you do?

Scenario Four

Scenario FIVe

You are in a nursery and the children are a little over excited and not listening as well as they usually do. The nursery staff are all standing in a corner, having a chat. â€‹

  • How do you get the children listening?​

  • Do you let the nursery staff continue chatting?

Scenario Five

Scenario six

A child asks you to keep a secret.​

What do you say?

Scenario Six

Scenario seven

A child tells you that their parents hate them, and they are being hit at home.​

  • What do you say to the child?

Scenario Seven

Scenario Eight

A child sits on your leg. â€‹


What should you do?

Scenario Eight

Scenario Nine

During an after school club with KS1 children, a child falls over and scrapes their knee.​

  • What do you do?​

  • What about the rest of the children in the club?

Scenario Nine

Scenario ten

During a holiday camp, a child bangs their head against a wall while playing a game.​

  • What do you do?​

  • What about the rest of the children in the session?

Scenraio Ten
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