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 Practical Scenario One- Calling a client

At one of your previous session the children were not ready for their session and as a result have made you over run that session. This means you might be late for your next nursery session. Last week the exact same thing happened and now you are going to have to call the nursery to let them know you may be late. You know when you call the nursery manager she isn't going to be very happy so how do you handle the call?

Your task is to have this phone call with one of our senior team, practising how to react to stay calm and professional at all times when on the phone. Once the call is complete then the senior member will provide you with feedback.

Once you have received your feedback you are going to try it once more but this time implementing what was talked about and the Senior member will give you a mark out 10 for how they felt that went.

 Practical Scenario two- Speaking to a parent

At an after school club a child has behaved quite poorly to the point where you are now going to have to let whoever picks up the child know what has happened during the club and explain why the behaviour shown was unacceptable.

Think about how you should approach the situation, who is involved in the chat and language you should use.

Remember that the parent is the customer so it is crucial we treat them in the correct way even if they are being difficult. As always once you have spoke to a parent then also let us know what happened so we can help avoid the situation or potentially speak to the school for the solution

 Practical Scenario three- dealing with problems other staff may raise

You have set up for your session as normal but a member of staff has come outside and told you that you cannot use that space. This will leave you without a place to do your session. How would you combat this and think about how you would speak to the member of staff

Think about an unusual situation that happened to you when attending a session and how you dealt with it or write down a few other examples of where there could be an issue with another staff member. 

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