Super Star Sport Mission Statement

Our number one priority at Super Star Sport is to positively influence the next generation through enjoyment, engagement and creativity, ensuring that sport, exercise and healthy living is a child’s number one priority for life.
We achieve this through offering equal opportunities for every child of every age and ability, across our national movement which will educate and inspire by unleashing the power of sport!

These core values are very important to us as a company however, it is the coaches who must carry out these values in the sessions you teach. Inclusivity should be central to everything to do a a coach from session plans to behavioural management.

Super Star Sport Background

Super Star Sport was established in 2012 running 1000's of sessions per week to 10,000+ children per week.​
We have been running since June 2017, when Anthony and Matt bought the West London Franchise.​
There are three franchises we run in total West London, Berkshire & South West London. ​We won Franchise of the year 2019.​
Currently we have around 15 sports coaches and 4 apprentices. Please click the button to the right to visit our 'meet the team' page
We currently employ a variety of people who do varying roles from Apprentices starting their coaching journey's, Business Administration team helping with bookings.
Lead Coaches Head Coaches, Camp Leaders are more experienced coaching team and
Finally the management team Field Managers ,Training & Development Manager & Operations Manager here to support your development
Who's Who & Numbers to Know
You will receive further training on our specific services once you are shadowing and taking sessions however a list of our services can be found below. It is important to familiarise yourself with all the services we offer
OFFICE NUMBER: 01895 204 885. Please make sure this is saved on your phone!
Did You Know?
Our Services
Once you have completed the Super Star Sport programme you should be able to take a large majority of the services that we offer as a company. Each different service we offer requires a different approach from the coaches meaning we need all our coaches to show flexibility and diverse coaching styles to suit the needs of that specific client. Each setting that you work within will do everything slightly differently so being able to accommodate that as a coach is crucial for the role.
You will receive further training on our specific services once you are shadowing and taking sessions however a list of our services can be found below. It is important to familiarise yourself with all the services we offer
If you are able to refer us to a new school or nursery and begin running regular sessions there not only do you get first refusal on the new sessions but also a £100 referall reward
Super Star Sport
Services List
Super Star Sensory sessions
Super Star Sport pre- school sessions
Lunchtime Activity Clubs, Supervision & Playleader Awards
After School Clubs, Matches, Tournaments
P.E Lessons, CPD, PPA, Sports Days, Workshops
Birthday Parties
Weekend Sessions, Academy
12 months - 2.5
2.5 - 4.5
5 - 11
5 - 11
5 - 11
3 - 11
Job Roles & Responsibilities

As a successful applicant you should have already seen the job roles and responsibilities during the interview process however we have outlined the main job roles and responsibilities below.

Required to deliver sport sessions to 2-12 year olds.​
Coach a variety of sports.​
Full session reviews on our coaches portal.​
Coaches must be able to plan and deliver sessions independently.​
Follow ten week plans for after school clubs​.
Follow curriculum lessons plans to teach P.E in Primary Schools​.
Administer basic first aid.​
Confident in dealing with safeguarding incidents.​
Attend all compulsory training days.​
Maintain the high standards of the company.

If at the end of the programme you still feel unsure of how to carry out any of your roles or responsibilities please get in touch with a senior team member who can provide some 1 to 1 training to help improve confidence.

Super Star Sport
Submitted DBS Application
Safer Recruitment Checks
Contract Signed & Returned
Added as staff member on Co-Ordinate
Staff Handbook approved on Co-Ordinate
Induction booked and completed with SLT.​
Completed Payroll Starter Checklist
Signed NEST letter (if applicable)
Uniform, Equipment & Certificates collected
Training Modules Completed
Shadowing & Assessment Scheduled
Training needs discussed with SLT and booked eg. First Aid, Safeguarding, Food Safety