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Module 6 

Section 1

Expectations and responsbilities

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General Expectations

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You are expected to hold a paediatric first aid certificate. Please let Chaz know if you do not have one. We can organise one for you at the cost of £30.​

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Should an emergency first aid incident occur, your responsibilities as a trained first aider is to follow the correct emergency procedures until a trained response team of either teachers or paramedics arrive at the scene and take over from you. â€‹

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You will be expected to administer basic first aid in after school clubs and at holiday camps.

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If you are ever involved in an emergency incident, please make sure a member of the senior team is made aware as soon as possible.

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When ANY first aid is administered, you MUST fill in an accident form and replace the items in your first aid kit. All replacement items are kept at the office. Please inform Chaz when items need replacing.

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We run half termly training sessions which include peadiatric first aid. This training alongside your peadiatric first aid training should help you feel confident dealing with first aid incidents.

your responsibilities

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As a qualified paediatric first aider, you have a duty of care to the children in your care to administer first aid when required.​



You are NOT permitted to administer any painkillers or ointments.​



You MUST fill out an accident form should you need to administer any first aid.​If the injury occurs at an after school club, you need to inform whoever picks up the child. You need to have them sign an injury form to say you have told them about the injury should it get worse a few hours later.



​If the injury occurs during school time, you need to fill out an accident form at the school and inform the class teacher. There will usually be a first aider who will deal with injuries during school hours and so should deal with this however if they are busy or not present, it becomes your responsibility.​



Should you be involved in a serious first aid incident, let your line manager know as soon as it is safe for you to do so.​

Did You Know?

A sign is something you can see (a rash) and a symptom is something the child tells you they are feeling (feeling sick).

First aid kit

You will receive a first aid kit and you should take it with you to all your after school clubs. â€‹



Your first aid kit should include –​


  • Sterile Disposable Gloves â€‹â€‹

  • 3 x Ice Packs â€‹â€‹

  • 6 x Individually wrapped, sterile adhesive dressings of assorted sizes â€‹â€‹

  • Cleansing Wipes â€‹â€‹

  • An assortment of different sized plasters â€‹â€‹

  • 2 x Triangular Bandages â€‹â€‹

  • 2 x Safety Pins â€‹â€‹

  • Accident Report Form â€‹â€‹


Let us know when you need to replace anything you use.​ â€‹



The first aid kit should be fully stocked at ALL times. This is YOUR responsibility.​



Please let Chaz know when you need anything replacing.​



Please click here to see what should be in your first aid kit and when it should be used. 


Medical information to consider before administering first aid

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At the beginning of every session, you should check medical information for all those in your care. This is especially important at After School Clubs as you will be solely responsible for the welfare of your group of children.​



You should always check for allergies before administering any first aid. Children could be allergic to antiseptic wipes or plasters.



If any children have Asthma, make sure they have their pump / inhaler with them at all times.​



For nose bleeds, headaches, dizzy spells ask child if this happens often.​



Always monitor your casualty for any signs and symptoms â€‹and do not leave them on their own.

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