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Nursery         Games

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Body Part Game

The body part game is played as a small filler game after each child has received a ball. This game will help develop control over the ball as well as the children practising their different body parts

The coach will call out a body part and then the children must place the ball on that body part

Progressions include:

Roll the ball around that body part

Place ball on the floor and then touch body part to the ball

Keep ball in the air and then touch that body part to the ball

See Ball-Balance-Control



Difficulty Level

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This game is all about putting the ball on different body parts and see how it balances on our body

Explain to the children that we are going to try and balance the ball on different body parts so we can see which body parts are easier than others to balance


Are smaller body parts easier to balance than bigger ones?


Some body parts to try and balance the ball on:

Head, chest, elbow, hands, feet etc.

Ball between knees waddling like a penguin

Lying on floor squeeze ball between feet and lift the ball high in the sky

Squeeze ball between head and shoulder


Progressions include:

See if the children can hold the balance for 5 seconds before the ball touches the floor

Increase difficulty of balancing eg. stand on one foot, spin around, whilst trying to balance the ball


Will it make it easier or harder?



Difficulty Level

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Basic Ball Manipulation

This game is designed to get the children practising to kick their ball with control and able to stop the ball with control


Give all the children a ball and ask them to to put one foot on the ball with their hands out to the side for balance. This is what the children must copy when the coach shouts 'FREEZE'.


Then ask the children to use their pointy fingers to touch the inside of their foot. The coach shout walk around and help children who are unsure. Then explain using the inside of our foot we are going to practice our little kicks, explaining the difference between a big kick and a little kick.


When the coach shouts 'FREEZE' the fastest child to put their foot on the ball will get 1000 points because that showed the most 'CONTROL'.


Progressions include:

Using the outside of the foot

Rolling the ball over the foot








Difficulty Level

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Ball Manipulation

Colour Game

This game is designed to get the children practising to kick their ball with control and able to stop the ball with control in the correct coloured area

Give all the children a ball and ask them to to put one foot on the ball with their hands out to the side for balance. This is what the children must copy when the coach shouts 'FREEZE' or they reach the correct coloured area.


Then place down coloured areas and explain that when a colour gets called the children using their little kicks with control are going to move towards the coloured area. 


Once they have reached the coloured area they must 'FREEZE' and listen for the coaches instruction 


Progressions include:

Give 1000 points to the first pewrson to freeze in the correct coloured area

Add coloured shapes for them to stop in see please see 'Colour Zone' for further explanation






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Difficulty Level

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Volcano Football

This game is designed to get the children practising to kick their ball with control in and out of obstacles and their friends and to be able to stop the ball with control 

Give all the children a ball and ask them to to put one foot on the ball with their hands out to the side for balance. This is what the children must copy when the coach shouts 'FREEZE'.


Explain that there are hot volcano's on the floor and the children must try and dribble around them without letting their ball touch the volcano's. The children will do this by practising their little kicks, explaining the difference between a big kick and a little kick.


When the coach shouts 'FREEZE' the fastest child to put their foot on the ball will get 1000 points because that showed the most 'CONTROL'.


Progressions include:

Make volcano lines that the children must try and dribble around

Make volcano gates the children must try to dribble through please see Gate game for further explanation

Difficulty Level

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Gate Game

This game is designed to get the children practising to kick their ball with control through a target gate whilst avoiding their friends 

Give all the children a ball and ask them to to put one foot on the ball with their hands out to the side for balance. This is what the children must copy when the coach shouts 'FREEZE' or they reach the correct coloured area.


Then place down coloured gates and explain that when a colour gets called the children using their little kicks with control are going to move towards the coloured gates and try and travel with their ball through them.


Explain that there are only a few gates so the children may need to take turns going through them.


Give points to children who are able to travel through the gates without the ball touching the cones


Progressions include

Make the gate narrower requiring more control

Ask the children to stop the ball inside the gate and then continue dribbling through 

Difficulty Level

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Rocket Kicks

This game is designed to get the children to practise their big kicks helping improve their foot-eye coordination and physical development


Explain to the children that they are going to take their ball on a rocket ship all the way to the moon to practise their big kicks.


Once they have flown their rockets to the moon they will need to grab a moon crater (cone) and put their ball on top of it ready for a rocket kick!


Doing a big run up they will try and kick their ball as far as they can. To retrieve the ball they must astronaut walk in slow motion until they have got back to their crater


Progression include

Measure which ball has travelled the furthest

Add a target where the children must try and hit with the big kick



Difficulty Level

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Football Steps

This game is designed to get the children to practise counting to 10 as well as spacial awareness balancing and practising skills such as step overs.


Explain to the children that firstly they are going to be soldiers who guard a castle. They must stand to attention with the ball at their feet.


Sergeant steps look just like a solider marching but when each leg comes up they must tap their foot on top of the ball

the children must repeat this action whilst counting to 10.


Once the children have completed their Sergeant steps we are going to transform from soldiers into Spanish salsa dancers.


Salsa steps are performed by doing a big step over the ball without touching it. This can be done 10 times with the children counting as they go.


Progression include

Attempting the football steps whilst the ball is moving 

Alternate feet

Count backwards from 10




Difficulty Level

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Super Shooting

This game is designed to get the children to practise their big kicks helping improve their foot-eye coordination and kicking towards a moving target


Explain to the children that they are going to practise their big kicks but instead of kicking the ball into a stationary goal the children are going to kick their ball at the coaches feet!


Progression include

Get the coach to start jogging around avoiding the balls

Increase the distance between shooter and coach



Difficulty Level

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Penalty Kicks

This game is designed to be an end game to practise the children's shooting at a target with a goalkeeper in the way

Explain to the children that they are going to try and score a goal against the coach by doing a big kick into the goal


Ask the child to place the ball on top of the cone, take a couple steps back and attempt to shoot into the goal marked by cones. They must then retrieve the ball, give the coach a high 5 and place their ball back into the bag


Progression include

See volcano penalty shoot out

See colour penalty shoot out

Difficulty Level

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Penalty Colour Game

This game is designed to be an end game to practise the children's shooting at a target with a goalkeeper in the way

Explain to the children that they are going to try and score a goal against the coach by doing a big kick into the goal. 


Line up three different coloured cones with balls on top of them. As the child starts to run up the coach will shout a colour and the child must only kick the correct ball into the goal


Progressions include

Increase distance to goal

Adjust size of goal

Add more colours

Difficulty Level

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Volcano Penalty Kicks

This game is designed to be an end game to practise the children's shooting at a target with a goalkeeper in the way as well as practising dribbling with control

Explain to the children that they are going to try and score a goal against the coach by doing a big kick into the goal


Explain that to have a shot on goal the children must navigate all of the volcano's that are between them and the goal.


Once the children have completed their little kicks around the volcano's ask the child to place the ball on top of the cone, take a couple steps back and attempt to shoot into the goal marked by cones.


They must then retrieve the ball, give the coach a high 5 and place their ball back into the bag


Progression include

See colour penalty shoot out

Change size of goal

Shoot without putting the ball on top of the cone

Difficulty Level

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