Super Star Sport Uniform

You will be provided with uniform. Please ensure you keep it clean and presentable. ​
Any uniform not returned at the end of employment will result in reimbursement of the company through your last pay check​
You may wear your own PLAIN BLACK shorts or joggers if you wish.​
Please do not add any accessories to your uniform such as bomber jackets/gilets, baseball caps (unless outside in the sun and plain black) and excessive jewellery. Two studs in an ear at the most. ​
Please keep all tattoos and facial piercings hidden whilst you are working.​
Please make sure you ALWAYS have a watch and whistle with you in sessions.
The GOod & the bad
Good Appearance

poor Appearance


You will be provided with all equipment you will need for your sessions. (You will be able to use some equipment in schools, we will let you know if this is the case).
PLEASE RETURN ALL EQUIPMENT IN THE SAME STATE YOU RECEIVE IT IN – If you borrow equipment from a schools PE cupboard, make sure when returning equipment that the cupboard is kept CLEAN and TIDY.​
If the schools PE cupboard is a mess and you are finding it difficult to find any equipment, do NOT add to the mess! Do your best to ensure that your area is tidy and then let us know so that we can pass it on and inform the PE lead at the school.​
YOU are responsible for your equipment, please take care of it and make sure it is safe for children to use by doing regular checks, looking for signs of wear and tear– cracked and broken cones etc.
Keep balls pumped up and clean.​
If you lose bits of equipment, please let us know so we can replace it for you. – we understand wear and tear happens and balls get lost, but we do not expect to be replacing 20 balls every week.
If equipment is not returned it will be deducted from your wages so please keep track of the equipment you have at any one time.
certificates and medals

We award a certificate at the end of EVERY session. ​
Medals are awarded in most nursery sessions and are kept at the nursery. Each week the child leaves the medal at nursery for the next winner the following week. ​
It is very important when delivering certificates and medals that the coach uses high energy and makes the child feel special as this will encourage the other children to participate in future sessions​
Please click here to see how we deliver our certificates and medals at the end of a nursery session and a P.E lesson. ​
Please note the delivery of a certificate / medal will vary depending on the age of the children you are working with.​
It is your responsibility to maintain a stack of certificates more of which can be collected at our office.​
Medals remain in the nurseries and do not go home with the child, instead they are able to use it for the day/week and then it will be given to a different child the following week.

Please arrive at all sessions 15 minutes prior to the session starting.​
This allows enough time for you to set up and sort out any issues that may stop the session going ahead, such as having to move inside if it is raining, risk assessing working area, and setting out equipment professionally.​
It is crucial that each client receives their full allocated time at their correct time slots as school and nursery schedules are very fixed as the children require a regular routine.​
This means that if you are late to your first session of the day there will likely be a knock on effect for the rest of the sessions that day resulting in a drop in session quality and value for money.​
If you are running late, please let Chaz, Anthony or Matt know ASAP we totally understand that these things happen and sometimes it can't be helped. Letting us know quickly allows us to then come up with a contingency plan should it be needed.​
If you are regularly late to sessions then sessions may be pulled from your schedule and you could receive a disciplinary report.​
You might be asked to call the setting to let them that you are running late too.​
Super Star Sport standards

You will be expected to maintain the highest standards at all times whilst in your uniform.
Please do not be seen smoking or drinking when in your uniform.
Please ensure you drive adhering to speed limits when in your uniform.
Please be mindful of using your phone whilst driving.
First aid

You should have a paediatric first aid certificate. Please let Chaz know if you do not have one. We will place you on the next upcoming paediatric first aid course available. This will be funded by Super Star Sport however, if you do not attend or fail the course you will be expected to fund this course yourself.
You are also responsible for making sure your first aid kit is fully stocked. If something is used then please make a note of what's used, let Chaz know and replace next time you are at the office. ​
You will receive a first aid kit. Please ensure it is fully stocked at all times.​
Your first aid kit should be stocked with the following:
3 x Ice Packs ​
Sterile disposable gloves
6 x Individually wrapped, sterile adhesive dressings of assorted sizes ​
Cleansing Wipes ​
An assortment of different sized plasters ​
2 x Triangular Bandages ​
2 x Safety Pins ​
Accident Report Form ​
Let us know when you need to replace anything you use

basic first aid

You are required to administer basic first aid during breakfast clubs, after school clubs and holiday camps.​
When you administer ANY first aid you MUST fill in an injury form at the setting AND on the staff portal AND inform the parents. ​
You must ensure parents sign the injury form to confirm they have been informed about the injury should the injury get worse hours later.​
To lower the risk of potential injuries, you should carry out a risk assessment prior to each session to ensure the area is safe for children to use. Click here to see how to carry out a risk assessment.​
Children should NOT continue to play with an injury that prevents full range of motion or a head injury which indicates the signs and symptoms of concussion. ​
This will be covered in further detail in module six.

You should have a safeguarding certificate. If you do not have one, please let Chaz know and we will organise one for you.
It is your duty of care to ensure children are kept safe whilst in your care.​
If there is an incident which causes you concern, you must fill out a safeguarding cause for concern form at the setting and let the designated safeguarding officer at the setting know. You must also fill out a safeguarding form on our staff portal and let Chaz know.​
Chaz is the West London Safeguarding Lead. Please let her know should you be concerned about any child. ​
This will be covered in further detail in module five.
Weekly Meetings

It is your responsibility to let the senior team know of ANY issues within your sessions.​
This can be done via a session review on the coaches portal.​
You will be asked to complete at least three session reviews a week.​
You will see which sessions to review on your Agendrix notes.​
If ANYTHING happens during your session that you need to report (injuries, incidents) please ensure you fill out a session review ASAP. This will need to be done in addition to your other three session reviews so that we are aware of anything that has happened.​
Please include any positive feedback you receive into your sessions as well for example:​
Who won the certificate and why​
Any improvements the group has made ​
Staff members who go above and beyond when assisting your sessions
New games and activities that you are attempting to implement in your session
This also helps us maintain our fantastic relationship with the client and provide you with further feedback.