Job Roles & Responsibilities

As a successful applicant you should have already seen the job roles and responsibilities during the interview process however we have outlined the main job roles and responsibilities below.

Required to deliver sport sessions to 2-12 year olds.​
Coach a variety of sports.​
Full session reviews on our coaches portal.​
Coaches must be able to plan and deliver sessions independently.​
Follow ten week plans for after school clubs​.
Follow curriculum lessons plans to teach P.E in Primary Schools​.
Administer basic first aid.​
Confident in dealing with safeguarding incidents.​
Attend all compulsory training days.​
Maintain the high standards of the company.

If at the end of the programme you still feel unsure of how to carry out any of your roles or responsibilities please get in touch with a senior team member who can provide some 1 to 1 training to help improve confidence.

Super Star Sport
Submitted DBS Application
Safer Recruitment Checks
Contract Signed & Returned
Added as staff member on Co-Ordinate
Staff Handbook approved on Co-Ordinate
Induction booked and completed with SLT.​
Completed Payroll Starter Checklist
Signed NEST letter (if applicable)
Uniform, Equipment & Certificates collected
Training Modules Completed
Shadowing & Assessment Scheduled
Training needs discussed with SLT and booked eg. First Aid, Safeguarding, Food Safety